Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Goose with the Golden egg

 (Click the words above to read the story)
 Lately, there have been a lot of fraudulent cases where
people's lifetime savings were cheated.............................
Imagine you are one of the victims, how would you feel?
How would you react? 
Is it only because of greed that we fail?
Voodoo involved? Mistrust somebody?
 It is probably alright to say that
gambling is a way of life for most of us
(except the top 1% who are controlling the results). 
We buy lottery, shares, properties etc.......
From small gamble to large.
Hoping for a win or wins that can change life.  
 We make decisions now and then and each decision
 making process could be a gamble to some.

Greed is good, someone said.
It makes us want more, demand more; it makes us jump higher. 
But becareful where you are heading...........
Get rich fast skims have been popular in the market.
It's easy, fast and lucrative. 
A lot of people are attracted. 
However, the results would normally be
only the top few is making profit; 
95% of the rest don't make much or lose money. 

Unless you are super rich and you don't mind losing money,
you can take risks to bet anything with any amount desired.
For most of us, a more sustainable win would probably 
takes some times to build.

I am not an expert in making money.
Yes, I am poor myself. 
But i believe, if we are lucky enough to have 
the right methods and assisted by the right people,
our effort and risk would be reduced by
more than half.
Any time could be a good time with
the right methods and people. 

Good luck in your life ventures.
May someone help you when you are in need;
May someone zap you back to reality in appropriate time;
May someone watch over and protect you
all the time........ 



Saturday, March 12, 2011

The Farmer and The Sons

Father and son's relationship is not that easy sometimes. Boys' things. 
Too harsh, the kid rebels; too soft, the kid might not be well prepared
for the real society. Worry for the kid but uses harsh words: 
want to say 'I'm sorry' but say 'serve you right' instead.
Wish him do well in life, try to help without being repelled?........................ 
Here's a smart way: 

  A FATHER, being on the point of death, wished to be sure that his
sons would give the same attention to his farm as he himself had
given it.  He called them to his bedside and said, "My sons,
there is a great treasure hid in one of my vineyards."  The sons,
after his death, took their spades and mattocks and carefully dug
over every portion of their land.  They found no treasure, but
the vines repaid their labor by an extraordinary and
superabundant crop. 
Just a little guidance, the farm was taken care of and the son's future
was secured. 
The guys might not like to be told what to do but to be lured by curiosity
to do what is told............. 
Human relationship is never one formula for all, perhaps. 
May you discover your 'secret weapon' to deal with the youngsters.

From another perspective, a shift of focus, from hard labor work
in the farm to the excitement of discovering the treasure, 
enable the sons to shift their attitude from unwilling to volunteering; 
complaining to obeying; disappointing to receive abundantly.

There might be moments in life, when we are going through 
brain drain, energy drain, spiritual drain etc etc....................
Road has been tough. If we can shift focus from the 
exhausting processes to something less stressful like 
doing nothing, watching movies, rest properly and then 
recharge our mind with positive inputs or 
change our angle of looking at things,
we might gain treasure that never thought possible before. 
Miracle happens when you believe...................


Saturday, March 5, 2011

Beauty and Wisdom

Long ago, a tiger was very proud if his black and yellow stripes. But he had only a few friends to talk and have fun with. Unlike the wolf, who had many friends even though his color was dull and grey. the tiger wasn't happy. A deer saw him and asked:" Are you alright, my friend?"

So, the tiger told the deer what was bothering him. The wolf overheard tiger's problem. He went to the tiger and said:" You see, all the animals are friendly with me because I am clever and know how to make them laugh. They do not like you because you are too proud of your beauty."

Moral: beauty alone would not bring happiness.

Image is everything. Looking good is important in the society. People do judge from the cover. Does this mean the professional looking will generally be a loner because they look high up, closed up, bashed up? Does this mean the dull looking will gain popularity easily as they are more casual, easier going, friendlier? Looking around me, i guess, generally yes. So  the professionals are the unhappy lots?? Beautiful people are not happy lots?? If so, shall we dress down and be not so beautiful to be happier?

I guess it depends on occasion. Dress appropriately as a gesture of respect or out of politeness. And, pliz... pliz.... do not dress too shabby, not tidy, not clean or in short, too badly. If not, you might get bashed up and don't know why; would face unnecessary obstacles or difficulties in getting help.

Behind every stern face, there is a need to befriended. Behind every happy face, there is a secrete sadness that they want to leave behind.

Apart from the dress and the need, may be their character counts too. We don't like tiger-like personality: strict, straight, bold, aggressive, quiet,  boring, loner. We prefer wolf-like personality: care free, humorous, chatty, interesting, sociable even though sometimes cunning?........ hmmm................ animals characteristics in human nature.............

To be happy might not mean we need to accommodate others and pretend who we are not. To be happy might means to find the group that we are comfortable to be ourselves  in. Generally:

1. Simplify your mind. Don't think too much, don't be too sensitive or critical or choosy, don't think too far.

2. Open  your heart but close the ears. Be receptive to new things but filter your info. You might be vulnerable to be treated as gullible but you will always give others a non judgmental status especially over gossips.

3. Live for the moment. Everything you do at the moment, do it for the best as you only live this moment once. Boring? Do something useful. Tired? Rest properly and find some relaxing activities. Frustrated? Smash the issue into pieces, solve if you can solve and let go......

4. Do not expect to be liked by everyone. People are different. Reserve the basic human rights for yourself and for others to live equally well even though someone might have a kind of  'asking to be beaten up look or dress'......

Be happy, regardless if you are tiger, wolf or other animals; beautiful, handsome or sorry looking.