There was a little bit of discussion about Valentine's day, if it is lawful to celebrate by some tribes in South East Asia. Not sure if this would help but let's discuss:
Long long time ago, a beautiful Peacock lived in a forest. All the animals admired his beauty. This made the Peacock very proud. One day, the Peacock met with an ostrich. The Ostrich was searching for food on the ground. The Peacock was trying to impress the Ostrich. He spread his feather again and again to attract Ostrich's attention. He even made noise. Alas, the Ostrich ignored him. Finally, the Ostrich broke the silent and said:' Hey! You may have beautiful feather, but what good are they if they can't help you fly like other birds?'
Moral: Do not be proud of useless things.
I'm not sure if this is right: the Peacock may be didn't intend to show off his beauty to the Ostrich. The Peacock may be mis regconised the Ostrich as a 'malformed Peacock'- look similar to a peacock except no beautiful tail, no hair on the head, always shy in the sand/ ground and slightly taller....(?????). In order to show himself as not being judgmental, he display his feather, as a sign of courtship or friendship. And, he got a cold shoulder......... :(
In the modern society, we have all kinds of attractions, distractions or whatever you want to call them. It is a normal process for human to grow from seeking love from adults as a baby or kids; seeking love from friends as a teenager; and eventually our partner.
There are many differences between the East and the West. Due of globalization, everything, including culture and values, is mutual influencing, the goods and also the bads. How do we differentiate what are the good trends that we should model from and what are the not so encouraging trends that we should be cautious of?
We are bound by culture, a set of behaviors practiced by the majority of the people around us. It may be alright to say that culture might evolve with time, place and people. So, the question is: what is the most important value that we should hold on to? Do we want to be a globalized man or kampung mari? Can we be in between, being exposed and be acceptance to the rest of the world while preserving our old modest, sincere, friendly and down to earth values?
No human are the same. What are we modeling after? Who do we follow?
A lot of people having the basic moral and behavioral guides from pass down knowledge, religious teachings, personal development books etc.......... But why do we follow that when friends around us not?
It is sometimes about self education on the cause and effect principle may be. It might be not easy to judge right from wrong at times due to certain situation that someone is in. But how far are we willing to bear the consequences following our action would be the key to guide us through our moral struggle. Pros and cons analysis? Cost and benefit analysis? You name it. Troublesome but may be worthwhile to reduce the possible regrets in life.
We do not want to compromise ourselves that we get hurt all the time. We do not want to be too strict in what we believe in until we think that everyone else who believe slightly different from us are inferior, pervert, wrong or whatsoever............ Not easy to be a human right? So, how do we be in between where our right is protected while others are not hurt?
A questions for us to ponder today. Looking forward to hear your thoughts soon.....
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